In arid regions, water shortages continue to be one of the main problems limiting the development of local agriculture. Therefore, how to promote the efficient application of agricultural water resources in arid and semi-arid regions is the key to agricultural development in arid regions. By applying scientific and innovative soil moisture sensors and doing good soil moisture monitoring, on the one hand, we can understand the moisture content in the soil in time, and on the other hand, we can also find the water application rate of the crops after research, and have a more scientific and effective understanding. Crop water requirements, make a more important contribution to the full play of the water resources potential in arid areas and the completion of water saving in arid areas.
Soil moisture sensor is a professional instrument that can measure soil moisture content in real time. In precision agriculture, irrigation and other operations are based on soil moisture data measured by soil moisture monitors. Therefore, in the field management process, the application of soil moisture monitoring to identify the field soil moisture plays a very important role in our field management.
Through the practical application of soil moisture monitoring in agricultural development in arid areas, it can be seen that through scientific irrigation, crop water production efficiency has been significantly improved, and the brightness of irrigation water per mu has been greatly reduced, which has become a key project for farmers in arid areas to get rich and improve ecology. important components. Therefore, for the development of agriculture in arid areas, soil moisture monitoring should be vigorously promoted, and the innovation and application of agricultural high-efficiency water-saving technologies should be promoted.