Duration is the period of time during which the emergency light will work once triggered.

The duration required will depend on the time required to evacuate the home, the size and complexity of the home, whether the home should be evacuated immediately in the event of a supply failure, and whether it will be re-occupied as soon as the supply is restored.

The shortest time recommended, the absolute minimum duration is one hour. If you do not wish to evacuate the home immediately in the event of a supply disruption (such as a sleep stay or entertainment venue), or if you plan to reoccupy the home when you re-use the home, you should use at least three hours of emergency lighting. Power is restored without waiting for the battery to charge. Use at least one hour if the premises are to be evacuated immediately when the supply is expected to be interrupted and the house cannot be reoccupied until the battery is fully restored.

Most systems last for three hours.


Linsheng    is a professional     Emergency Light Company      in China with its own laboratory and the most advanced testing equipment in the industry to ensure product quality. Https://www.linsheng.com