Types of clients and how to deal with them
An unrealistic customer is characterized as having great expectations and hopes, as he wants to achieve many things and adhere to a specific time and budget, and he can be dealt with by following the following: Develop a preliminary plan in order to achieve the goal, or the purchase process, or others.

Verify the ability to achieve the desired goals. Create a timetable for achieving each goal separately, and indicate the time period needed to fully achieve the plan. Determine the dimensions in which the task can be accomplished using the appropriate tools

VIP clients always want to stand out more than others, to be the center of attention, they constantly ask and demand permanent options, and they expect an immediate response.

Thus, the employee feels that he is on the verge of losing his job if the options do not take into account the established standards, and they can be dealt with by following the following: giving them priority or giving them the feeling of that, in addition to giving space to accomplish other things. Notifying him of the importance of their talk and projects, and this helps the employee to know their interest and provide the necessary.

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Adhere to the deadlines set to meet or contact this type of customer. Avoid dealing with this type of customer if the employee feels that he is unable to meet his requirements or that he does not feel that he is below the required level.

exact client
This type of customer is characterized by their love for minute details, so they try to stay with the employee throughout the process from start to finish, and check their progress at the required level, taking into account the constant updates and fluctuations, some of these customers are difficult to satisfy

They can be considered a type of VIP client, and they can be dealt with by following the following: professionalism in dealing with their affairs, and gaining their trust by confirming your role as an expert. Hear all matters related to their plans and goals in order for the work to proceed in the required direction and in an ideal manner.

urgent customer
This type of customer wants to complete the required matters and tasks immediately, quickly and within a specified time frame, and they can be dealt with by following the following:

Verify the validity of the urgent matter before starting to complete it and its importance. In the event that the employee does not really feel the importance of the work entrusted to him, it is possible to agree with the client on a specific deadline for delivering the required.

quasi-lawyer clients
This type of client is very similar to a lawyer; They know what they do and want, like details and good organization, and in return they expect the employee to know exactly how to get the work done.

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They also never hesitate to dispense with the agency or institution if they are unable to accomplish what is required, and they can be dealt with by following the following: Develop a plan on how to accomplish the work so that the employee is more professional and organized in front of the client.

Create a schedule for the achievement of goals, and inform the client in the event of any delays that affect the completion of tasks. Record all the notes, numbers, and tools needed during the meetings, and if necessary, the employee can bring another person to do the writing task.

Experimenting with ideas before making decisions, and taking them based on available and realistic data. Discussion after trial to ensure that the objectives are understood by all parties and appropriate decision-making is made.

Genius customers
This type of clients is characterized by excellence and creativity, as they have many creative ideas and great projects in many fields, but they did not have the opportunity to implement them due to the lack of organization or the necessary time, and they can be dealt with by following the following:

Time management by agreeing on the topics to be discussed before the meeting to ensure the implementation of the required and discuss all matters at the time of the meeting and to avoid derailing the meetings. Take advantage of their ideas and develop them in order to put them into practice.

Choose ideas and implementation with care and understanding, because this type of customer does not hesitate to criticize the employee's ideas presented. Create a schedule to determine the time period for the implementation of the required, and not to rely on this type of clients to achieve results; Because they tend to do several things at the same time.

Clients are too late
This type of customer is characterized by a lot of procrastination, although it appears that it is enthusiastic, and it is often not present when you need it, and may not answer calls or postpone meetings, which leads to a delay in delivery beyond the deadline

They can be dealt with by following the following: Create a schedule showing the time requir