There are four main pillars, or types, in traditional Christian theology. In terms of providing specific areas of reflection, these four types are foundational. You can concentrate on one of them while studying theology. Each can help you understand faith and religion better. Catholic theology masters teach you about these things and give you the proper training regarding theology. 

Theology's subject matter is unparalleled in terms of breadth and complexity among human sciences. This presents theological reflection with entirely new challenges. Online catholic theology degree has developed ways of organizing this complexity that make theology more manageable over the centuries. 

Differentiating theology into four focus areas is currently a popular way of approaching this organization. So, what exactly are the four different types of theology?

  1. What is Theology?

The word theology is derived from a combination of two Greek words that mean the study of God. Theology in Christianity attempts to comprehend God as He is revealed in the Bible. 

No cases or facts about theology will ever fully explain God and His ways because God is infinitely and eternally higher than we are. On the other hand, God wants us to know Him to the best of our abilities, and theology is the art and science of organizing and understanding what we can know and understand about God. 

Some people avoid discussing religion because they believe it is divisive. Theology, when properly understood, can bring people together.

  1. Following are the 4 types of Theology:
  • Biblical Theology:

Biblical theology is an attempt to articulate the theology found in the Bible as expressed by its authors in their respective contexts. The Scriptures were compiled over many centuries by various authors in various social settings and geographical locations. 

They are written in three languages and various literary forms like genres. Analytic study leading to synthetic sympathetic is compulsory to grasp their overarching themes and fundamental unities. 

Without denying the fragmentary nature of the light, the Bible sheds on some matters, and without glossing over tensions that may exist as various themes overlap, biblical theology strives to arrive at a coherent synthetic overview.

  • Historical Theology:

The discipline of narrating the development of Christian theology is known as historical theology. Historical theology is related to, but distinct from, Church History, which is more concerned with the Church's institutional history and its place in social history. An online catholic theology degree will help you to get in a brief understanding of historical theology with different study cases and references. 

  • Systematic Theology:

The attempt to put Christian doctrine in a logical order, often beginning with one fundamental principle, is known as systematic theology, and it dates back to early Christianity. 

The attempt to organize all Christian doctrines in a logical order is known as systematic theology. This type of theology has been practiced by the Christian Church since the very beginnings of the Church, though it took on its current form during the Middle Ages.

  • Practical Theology:

Catholic theology masters contain the course regarding Practical Theology where they provide in-depth knowledge about it with case studies. This online platform for studying theology is best for students.

Practical theology is an academic discipline that studies and reflects on religious practices to understand better the theology enacted in them and consider how theological theory and practices can be better aligned, changed, or improved.

The ability of a fourfold theological organization to simplify the overwhelming and demanding complexity of the question of God and humanity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in all of the Trinity's relationships with human creatures against the backdrop of creation in both time and space, is its strength. 

  • The intersection of faith and culture
  • The impact of public theology
  • The outworking of Christian ethics

These are the three points mainly focused on this type. The challenge and temptation of this artificial organization, both within theology schools and elsewhere, is to think of any of the four as discrete or self-contained.

Practical theology has praxis as its theological studies like theology and systematic theology. PT stands for praxis theology, which is concerned with praxis studies.

These are the 4 different types of theologies that are taught to you in the theology course. They will help you understand each concept better and provide you with enough knowledge about these studies. 

If you want to complete your degree in theology, this article is helpful. Here you will get various details regarding the study of theology.  

Masters in catholic theology online will help you complete your degree course with excellent knowledge, and here you will get to learn the different concepts regarding theology.