For a safe online learning environment, virtual laboratories are excellent means. Through these virtual labs, learners interact with machines, interfaces, and elements without applying real-life theories. They have plenty of educational and businesses application which benefits them in delivering e-learning materials. This post will shed light on them and help you know how to use virtual lab solutions to support your online courses.

What is a virtual lab?

A virtual laboratory is an on-screen simulator which computer-based to perform interactive experiments or other activities via computer interfaces. Learners use this technology to perform a series of experiments that give them authentic results.


Create a true-to-life learning experience

Unlike traditional course, learners can visualize and make guesses of theory can be applied. For instance, machine operation can be taught easily by using interactive elements. These labs build a realistic technology learning environment to complete training and make learners come with more preparations.

Offer blended learning

To support traditional learning, virtual labs combined can create a good learning experience. Here learners get a chance to apply their understanding of theories, experiment, and practice them n number of times. Instructors can assign them tasks or projects and have follow-up sessions to discuss results.

 Explain complex concepts and procedures

Complex theories may sometimes help puzzles student about their real-life applications. They can use the virtual lab to understand concepts like the orbit of planets, tinker with the global economy, or crossbreed between two species. You can use this technology to simulate any level of scale complexity or abstraction.

How to use virtual lab solutions to support e-learning?

Instructors can ask students situational questions and replicate those scenarios in the virtual lab. It gives them a chance to discover new things building their intuition. By this interaction, both can figure out discrepancies between virtual and reality concepts.

Incorporating virtual laboratories interface help learners master skills. They can learn simple procedures, practice more complex processes, and challenging tasks through virtual technologies.

A virtual lab provides lab-style assignments that students use physical laboratory, step by step. Here you can include safety measures and guidelines to handle lab equipment. 

Use a responsive interface while building a virtual laboratory because it allows learners to access training content from any device. Quality and interactive user interface deliver a smooth and flexible e-learning experience for learners.

Kick start your training sessions with virtual labs

Virtual labs are effective means to support e-learning. Following the above measures and using the best practices will develop your course, providing an interactive learning experience for students. If you  are beginning your portfolio in this domain, then loop for prominent online service providers who ensures you quality materials to support your e-learning content.