The 'Bronze Pack Method' is the easiest and most effective way to build a coin balance. Open the ordinary bronze package and profit from the items you get. You have to pay 400 coins for 12 items, you only need to sell 3 of them to make a profit.

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Next, we will come to the detailed Raiders:

1. Open A Bronze Packs.

The first step is simple. Go to the store and open a non-rare bronze package of 400 coins.

2. Use the Compare Price feature to check the value of each item and list all items for sale.

Whether it's a league, a country or a ranking, make sure you check the value of bronze players, because bronze players are usually very rare, and even players who are not needed by the SBC can have value. Remember, you only need to earn 400 coins to take back the money you invested.

3. Store players that don’t sell.

Make sure you don't sell any players quickly, just store them in the club. They may become valuable in the future, or you can use them in an upgraded SBC to produce a silver player.

4. Store the consumables to use later.

Another advantage of using the BPM is that your club gets stacked full of consumables. Saves the need to spend coins on consumables. Also, if you get any gold consumption cards instead of using them, you can list them and generate more coins.

5. Repeat the process.

The 400 coin packs will always be in the store and new SBCs will always be released. Meaning the BPM will generate a good amount of coins throughout the game cycle.

6. Keep track of the prices of bronze players.

If you use BPM in large numbers, you will inevitably get a lot of bronze players and items in the club. Make sure you pay attention to any market movements that may increase their value and sell at high prices.


- Don't get lazy.

Check the value of each player, because even the lowest-rated bronze will be valuable.

- Clogging up the transfer list.

Your transfer list is populated with items that take a while to sell. Persevere and re-list it before reselling. The more times you use BPM, the easier it is to know when to keep a list of items, or the store or a quick sale.

As a professional FIFA20 coins supplier, we aim to provide the most timely news, strategies and sales of cheap FIFA 20 coins.