What Is Google Tag Manager (GTM)?

Some of what you’ve heard is correct: Google Tag Manager is an unfastened software program device that offers you the capacity to put in extraordinary kinds of tags for your website. You can also have achieved this already without understanding it. Have you ever delivered code on your website to tune Google Analytics? That’s one type of tag. Other examples consist of: Google Ads re-marketing code, Google Ads conversion tracking code, heatmap monitoring code (LuckyOrange, Hotjar, Crazy Egg, and so on), and Facebook pixels.

In the past, companies needed a website developer on their team in order to track codes, which needed to be difficult coded into every individual page and got a bit complex to update and hold with hundreds of codes to track. GTM got here in and solved this by way of storing all tags in one place—the GTM account.

Is GTM Hard to Use?

Although GTM is designed for the non-programmer with easy-to-use capability (e.g., modifying tags within the GTM interface and publishing changes with simply the press of a button), the software program will nonetheless take a few being used to. There can also be a few programming language you’re now not familiar with. Before we get into the advantages of GTM, let’s have a bit vocabulary lesson.

Tags: Tags are code snippets. These are used to send informtion to carry out a selected action inside a website. In other words, these tags inform GTM what to do and how to do it.

Triggers: Triggers determine whether a tag is lively and functioning, or no longer. For example, in case you want a consumer to see a form after they enter your website, a trigger activates the tag with the intention to make that form appear.

Variables: These are the values ​​used, the information important for Google Tag Manager to function tags and triggers successfully.

Benefits of Google Tag Manager

1.     Easy to Use

This is one in all the most important advantages of Google Tag Manager: no programming understanding is needed. Almost all of us can without difficulty make updates, upload new tags, check each tags, and installation tags while not having to carry out complicated website coding.

  1. Saves Loads of Time

GTM saves you time by way of allowing you to implement tracking codes all via yourself. You no longer need a marketer to send tracking code to a developer, handiest to get the code installed a week later because the developer turned into busy.

  1. Everything Is in One Place

With GTM, the whole lot is in one place. Long long past are the times while a developer needed to locate the various JavaScript code snippets in a website or app’s source code a good way to make additions, adjustments, or deletions.

  1. Easier to Troubleshoot

Because the whole thing is in one area, it’s easier to troubleshoot and accurate tag mistakes—even before they’re posted. GTM’s Preview Mode will routinely show you what tags are running and which ones aren’t

  1. Auto-Event Tracking

GTM comes with a function referred to as auto-event tracking, which automatically tracks occasions (like clicks, form submissions, and time spent on web page) without regarding custom JavaScript code. It requires some setup and isn’t as smooth as clicking one button, however once you’ve enabled certain triggers, GTM will automatically start listening for particular website interactions.


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