See the user manual for complete instructions. Make sure the vents are tight and level. If available, place a damp cloth on any of the two battery caps to ensure they are free of fan blades, belts, and other moving parts.

These instructions are designed to minimize the risk of explosion. Always keep sparks, flames and cigars away from the battery. Always wear safety glasses and protect your eyes. Do not tilt the battery during this operation. Both the battery to be started and the startup power must have the same voltage (6 or 12 V, etc.).

Power supplies other than batteries must not exceed 16 V DC for use with 12 V and 8 V DC systems in other 6 V DC systems. Place the vehicle with the starter battery or other power source on the discharged vehicle so that you can easily connect the starter cable between the two vehicles. Make sure the vehicles are not in contact with each other.

1. Turn off all electrical loads on all vehicles and set the parking brake. Set the automatic transmission to the " PARKING" position to manually shift the gearbox in "NEUTRAL".

2. Determine the negative (-) or positive (+) ground of the discharged battery. The probe is connected to the motor block, frame or other well grounded metal point. The battery terminals connected to the starter are ungrounded terminals. All vehicles manufactured in the United States after 1955 have grounded negative battery terminals. All European and Asian passenger cars manufactured after 1971 have grounded negative battery terminals.

3. On the negative grounding system, connect the (+) of the discharged battery cable to the starter solenoid valve. Do not allow the positive cable jaws to touch any other metal points except the positive (+) battery terminals.

4. Connect the other end of the positive cable clamp (+) to the terminal

Starting the battery.

5. Connect the negative cable clamp (-) to the other (negative) terminal of the starter battery.

6. Ensure that the negative cable clamp (-) is permanently connected to the motor block of the discharged vehicle away from the battery. Do not connect the negative jaw to the negative terminal of the discharged battery.

7. Start the vehicle and disconnect the cable from the connection in reverse order - the motor block connection (black) is the first disconnected connection.

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