There is one trading platform that handles billions of dollars worth of trades every day. It is none other than Binance. Individuals, as well as institutional investors, can buy, sell, and trade their virtual assets round the clock. Are you an entrepreneur who is keen to be part of the Web 3.0 revolution? Start customizable exchange like Binance development.

What are the major features of a Binance-like crypto trading platform? 

Markets Trends section

It displays quantitative and qualitative data about prices, changes in trading volume, and market capitalization. Hence, investors can make the right decision after seeing the fluctuations in the prices of cryptos, DeFi tokens, and stablecoins. 


Numerous payment options 

Investors can purchase cryptos quickly on a Binance like crypto trading platform. They can use payment options like credit cards, debit cards, Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), net banking, and wire transfers.



Users can earn high returns by staking their crypto assets. They can do this after seeing the estimated Annual Percentage Yield (APY), the duration, and the minimum locked amount. 


Margin Trading facility 

Investors can take short and long positions and pocket hefty returns. They can initiate this after seeing data about the prices and trading volume. Later, retail and institutional traders can execute the limit, market, and stop-limit orders as per their needs. 


Help desk

Users can solve issues easily by contacting the help centre. They will get adequate support for problems like depositing and withdrawing cryptos, conversion of crypto to fiat, buying listed and unlisted tokens, and participation in airdrop programs. 


Wrapping Up

Want to offer a viable alternative to the centralized financial system? Reach out to a white-label crypto exchange development company soon.