Birch Essential oil is extracted from the bark of the Birch tree that belongs to the Betulaceae family. It is extracted using the steam distillation method. It is native to South Eastern USA and Southern Canada. Americans in the 1700s used Birch bark as an herbal ingredient in their tea, it was also used to benefit sore and fatigued muscles. It has a woody burnt aroma. 

Many leading Industries use Birch Essential oil as a fragrant in their product. Its woody aroma works as a great fragrance and also calms the mind. It also has anti-aging compounds that strike on wrinkles and fine lines, hence it's also used in skincare products. Birch Essential oil is also used in making Pain Relief ointments because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, it has been known to treat muscle cramps and long-term pain.  It also fights with bacteria and protects skin against infection. Birch Essential oil is also used in aromatherapy to relax the nervous, tensed, and agitated mind.