Few Simple Ways That Will Help You To Start Studying Theology

Studying theology is one of the best decisions that you can take in your life. It only helps you to grow your faith but also helps you to get the answers for many of the questions related to God and His Word.

Theology is not solely academic with vocabulary words or pop quizzes. It is the study of God that helps you to delight and worship God as you learn more about Him. It is a study that not only helps us to better know God but also to better match what is true about God with how we should live that truth. As you go deeper into the online catholic theology degree, you will realize how immensely benefitting it is and not as complicated as it seems to be.

Read God's word

In the simplest words, gain knowledge directly from the source. You need to seek answers by knowing the why behind them. If you want to know and understand God, go to the primary source the He has given us, i.e., His Word. He has revealed Himself in His Word. Know about who God is, what He says about His creation, what He is doing n the world and how we should rightly respond.

Reading God's Word through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, we get to understand its teaching. This helps us to rightly respond to the ordered worship. The development of our theology leads to a deeper practice of faithfulness in our everyday lives. It helps us not only to understand the words but also allows His Word to dwell deep within our hearts.

If you want really understand Christian theology through an online catholic theology degree, you will require a consistent stirring of affections for God and His Word and a fascination with His ways. Your theology must be founded in His Word.

Ask questions

Ask yourself questions like what is He revealing about Himself, about his expectations for His people, how He has created people and His right design for them and His world, what observations can you make from the text, which questions a passage has left unanswered, and more. Have a curious approach towards the text. As you go deeper into the text, you will discover questions that you struggle to answer or you will develop ideas from the text. Find a group of trusted people with whom you can discuss and sharpen these ideas.

Read good books

While doing your online master's in theology catholic, keep in mind that your sources matter a lot in the overall development of your theology knowledge. Those sources that don't count, avoid relying on them. Read wise thinkers to challenge yourself to think more wisely. This does not mean that you read the entire seminary textbook or learn Greek, Latin, or Hebrew. All you have to do is verify your sources and do your homework. You can search about your favorite speaker or writer and see what they speak about. This will help you to determine the questions you have about theology and then prove or disprove them with primary sources and good contemporary books.


Studying online master's in theology catholic is an endeavor that not only helps your mind but also your heart. Knowing about God will help you to worship Him better and obey Him well.