I'm gonna show you guys this pink pampas grass for sale that I got I'm so happy I'm so happy about it if you haven't subscribed to my channel I don't know what you're waiting for please do eat that subscribe button that's all it in I'm asking from you guys please do hit that subscribe button share this video to somebody that needs to get a pampas grass for sale guys yeah share this video please guys share this video to your friends family to somebody that needs to buy pampas grass for sale, yeah I'm going to show you guys this I told you guys I ordered this thing and it's taking forever to come from Amazon yeah I know due to this coronavirus of a thing everything takes longer to arrive so I got this from postgrads because I got the brown ones now I decided to buy the pink ones because it looks so nice guys I must say I'm really impressed about this grass I don't know who got the idea of gets in a normal grass from somewhere and just making it as a decorations making it as an awesome home they're cold it's really amazing so I'm gonna show you guys anyway so then just get right into this video right so guys I'm going to show you guys the way this pampas grass for sale looks guys look at this pink beauty so I got this pink one I got two bunch because this thing was a bit pricey for what is four so I got the pink pampas grass for sale, one I don't know how one of these actually pink I've actually seen a brown a bit what kind of whites bumpers grass that a pink one I'm so today did they actually painted it pink I don't know so this is hot though came in as so pretty it's really nice guys this is how it looks let me go a little bit for that so you guys can see this is how it looks it's really pretty it's just like the the brown one I showed you guys on my previous video so I'm going to quickly open this and then show you guys I'm gonna do the same thing I did with the brown ones I'm gonna use this hair spray to make sure that this beauty hose you know what I mean taking it out from the back so I got this thing I don't really remember because been a long time I got this so maybe I'm gonna put the price and put the link down below on the description box so that you guys can check it out if you want to order yours yourself yeah I'm gonna quickly open it ah it was loose I hope things is expensive like that door so this is what we have it's not as much as the second room as the brown ones but yeah I can do with this beauty imagine me taking a nice picture with this at the backward it's so pretty guys really pretty so this is how it looks nice guy nice right nice. I know you don't need to tell me anything I know it's really nice pampas grass for sale, so guys can you imagine if I have to take this and put it in my background look at how cute look at how cute this looks is really nice for an home deco and also when you have to take pictures which is it's really nice when you all look at that just take a minion breed look at that guy's oh it's so cute it's so cute pampas grass for sale guys I'm really happy I got this then although it took forever to come I'm really happy it also has them the same way the brown one the brown ones that I got on my previous blog it also has the same fallouts I'm going to spray it with an expiration I can stay holed and strong so yeah I'm just gonna do the same thing then show you guys the final result this is so nice is really pink you know I told you guys I'm not a pink girl but this is not so you know ashkani pink is not like in-your-face this is kind of like baby kind of being cute kind of thing know so I'm going to spray this out now then I show you guys the final result and please don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you are watching this video up to this s then you are every MVP guys I really appreciate you guys for all the love you guys have shown to me and towards all my clogs thank you guys so much so I'm gonna quickly spray this out now so that I can show you guys how it actually looks I'm using and hair spray to spray it out just to make sure that the the stem stays strong and it does not have fall outs you don't want to have a mess in your home you know so this works perfectly an air spray on plants amazing guys really amazing so I'm just using an air spray to spray it out please whenever you're using a spray please take caution because this thing has this strong smell and try to open the windows we are using it so yeah I'm just spring spring spring so I'm gonna go back in one more time to just make sure that these things stays longer so I'm just gonna spray it's just everywhere so that's what I'm doing spray three, okay now that is done I'm going to keep it outside so I can try you can use an Andrea to dry top but I'm gonna put pampas grass for sale outside so I can so that this can dry up and then I show you guys how it actually looks it's really really sad at the moment it's really stiff at the moment like really hard which is good let me know what you guys think of this video and how we catch you guys on - frickin video so I hope you guys enjoyed this one stay blessed and I will catch you guys on my next one please don't forget watching all my previous videos that I have been making so that you can get you know you can get all the juice that you need to get about me presently.