Cenforce 150 is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. It helps in producing an erection before sexual intercourse.

It is commonly known as the red pills, Doctors recommend this medication to a majority of patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Cenforce 150mg contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate. Administration of sildenafil is a proven method of treating erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil belongs to the group of medications known as the PDE-5 inhibitor drugs.

It works by inhibiting the action of the PDE-5 enzyme which is responsible for restricted blood flow in the penis. The absence of blood flow is the primary reason behind erectile dysfunction.

Proper administration of any medicine is very important to maximize its effect. Cenforce is an oral medicine.

Hence, it must be taken orally with a glass of water. Do not dissolve, break or crush the medicine. This can make the medicine lose its effect.

You must also avoid taking this medicine with alcohol or grapefruit juice. These fluids can cause severe side effects and other health complications.

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