The first-class quality of your coffee is essential. But if you want to enjoy it perfectly, the mixture alone will not be enough for you. So what's missing? A unique and special cup for your favourite coffee, thanks to which you will enjoy it at a much higher level. What should such a cup look like?


The shape is the basis

First, your coffee cup must have the right shape. First of all, you judge by appearance and whether you like an espresso cup or a cappuccino at all. Once you have selected, you need to verify a few more properties. The appropriate shape and thickness of the cups serve to keep the espresso at the desired temperature. This goes hand in hand with the correct development of taste and aromatic properties. The most important thing, in this case, is to round the bottom of the cup. It is the bottom that helps to create the perfect and long-lasting cream. For a classic espresso, you will appreciate the conical shape, cappuccino and café latté, on the other hand, stand out thanks to more open shapes.


Choose according to the material

Quality coffee directly calls for quality material. In the case of coffee cups,  porcelain is the right companion. It conducts heat much better than ceramics, in addition, it heats up faster and retains heat for longer. So if it takes you a minute to get to your coffee, or if you have to run away from it, you will not return to a cold drink immediately. A surprisingly suitable material is also glass, which has good functional properties and at the same time looks interesting. 

Size just right

As a coffee lover, you know that espresso requires a different cup size than a cappuccino. Therefore, you must choose a cup according to the ground coffee you intend to make in it. For a classic espresso, a 60 ml cup will serve you, a double espresso will stand out in a 100 ml cup.  You can enjoy a cappuccino in a cup with a volume of 150 ml and the most suitable size for café lattes is 225 ml.


How to serve coffee properly

So you already have a quality mixture, a special cup and all that remains is the correct preparation of your favourite drink. Remember that the coffee cup should always be properly heated, this is the only way to preserve the foam and aroma. Do you serve espresso with milk? Heat it separately in a separate teapot, where you can serve it next to espresso.

Are you heating the cup on the coffee machine? Be careful not to get too hot. If it is already overheated, turn the cap on the heating surface of the coffee machine upside down. This cools the top edge.

You would be sorry if you invested large sums of money in a first-class coffee blend and could not enjoy it one hundred per cent due to poor quality cups. Special cups for espresso,  cappuccino or café latte are not expensive and can take your coffee enjoyment to a new level. Enjoy your favourite drink as it should be.