The Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension provides you with the capability of highlighting your website's value propositions in Google search results by adding schema markup tags. Increase your Click Through Rate (CTR) and overall search engine ranking by providing more information about the link search engines. There are schema markup tags for products, business profiles, social links, site links, search boxes, carousels, breadcrumbs, Twitter cards, and Facebook open graphs.

    Enhance the visibility of your Magento store in Google search results by incorporating nine different sets of Magento 2 Google-rich snippet extensions that will highlight your store's products and pages. The extension allows you to display all the necessary information directly on Google, encouraging potential customers to visit your website, thereby increasing sales for your business. Additionally, breadcrumbs are added to provide clear and intuitive navigation when your shoppers navigate through your Magento 2 store.

  • Show your visitor the necessary information directly on search results

  • Drive potential customers and lift your conversion respectively

  • Highlight your store products/page in Google Search Results

  • Implement 9 different sets of rich snippets inside your Magento 2 store

  • Boost website credibility and Click-through Rate (CTR) up to 30%

  • Give your business more exposure with local & organizational snippets

  • Social Media Snippets for Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest

  • Helps you to increase search engine rankings & visibility

  • Add breadcrumbs to provide clear & user-friendly navigation

  • No need to code; just fill the required information into the backend