Original source:  http://oldagehouses.com/post-1572-what-are-the-things-that-need-to-be-done-during-the-mold-remediation-process-.html

In the event that you have decided to get your home tested to check if there is any type of mold growths, then you will easily find out if you need to have mold remediation services or not. If the tests indicate that your house has high mold presence, then you will be pressed for choices. Of course, the most obvious thing to do would be to go for a mold removal or remediation process. This will be the best thing that you can do considering the fact that it will help to prevent various types of health issues which are associated with the high levels of both airborne mold and also mold spores. It will contaminate the air inside your home along with your breath.

You will need to go through the following procedures in order to get a good mold removal or remediation process:

CLICK HERE:  Mold Remediation Services

  1. Ensure that you have a clear access in the area where the mold remediation is required:

The mold remediation will be quite a long and intensive process which will need the use of several equipment. Hence it would be essential that you can keep that specific area free from all types of obstruction which can cause hindrance to the remediation process. For instance, you will need to keep the pets far away from that place because they might interfere in the process of remediation. This can risk severe biocide exposure which is used for containing the molds. Wherever you find it possible, like your garage or other types of spaces by your remediation area you must free it up to help the remediation company use it. The reason for this is that they would be requiring keeping plastic sheathing along with hoses to clear the molds.

  1. The mold needs to be exterminated by the use of biocides: Mold remediation would be generally a procedure that has two steps. In the first step you will need to spray over the mold colony with your biocide. The biocide needs to get approved by the national body known as the Environmental Protection Agency or the EPA. Once the biocide has been applied in sufficient amounts then you will need to leave it alone for about twenty four hours. The solution for the treatments will then start to work and it would continue killing the mold spores.
  2. Spray over the remediation areas with encapsulants: Once the first step is done then the area would be cleared of any molds or spores. After this step you will need to spray over this area with any types of paints and whitewashes which may help in encapsulating the rest of the remaining mold spores.

For more information on either mold remediation or floor installation, you should visit Mold Remediation Laguna Niguel and Floor Installation Laguna Niguel on the internet.


Mold remediation is an intensive process and should be done by professionals. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you.