An interdisciplinary field of Computer Science, Data Science focuses on extracting insights from structured and unstructured data. Data Scientists work on algorithms to visualize, process, and extract patterns from raw information. Data Science is one of the highest-paid careers in the world right now, with a Data Scientist earning an annual average salary of $110,000 in the USA.

With the amount of data that has been flooding organizations, it becomes imperative for them to learn what to do with this data and how to utilize it. Data Science helps organizations by providing analytical insights, visualization, and help in the decision-making process. Data Science Course can help in industries like Healthcare, Advertising, Gaming, etc.

In a Data Science Life Cycle, the first step involves gathering data from different sources. Once there is enough data, it is then prepared into a format. Mathematical models are then used to establish relationships within data. Once relationships have been established, Data Scientists can use the information to deliver the outcomes required by the business. The final step is to inform the stakeholders about all the findings.

Data Scientists are responsible for dealing with data wrangling on huge volumes of data as they gather and analyze it.