You see, I signed up with the "rankings" of whistleblower service providers more than one year ago when, on December 2, 2003, a major newspaper published a story in which I verified for them what a number of us currently knew-- we, the members of the Park Cops, can no longer supply the degree of service that citizens and site visitors had grown to expect in our parks and on our parkways in , D.C., , and also San . The world changed for everybody on September 11, 2001, and also the assumptions of police firms across the nation expanded exponentially overnight. As the Principal of the Park Police, an organization in charge of several of most valued and also recognizable signs of liberty, I knew it was my duty, as chiefs of authorities throughout the nation do each day, to educate the neighborhood of the realities of the situation.

For being honest-- for being "truthful"-- while still being supportive of my superiors, I was, without warning, removed of my law enforcement authority, badge, as well as firearm, and also accompanied from the Division of the Inside by armed special agents of an additional Federal law enforcement entity in December of 2003. Seven months later on, the Department of the Interior ended me.

Frighteningly, the concerns I revealed concerning our residents' and also visitors' safety and security and also protection as well as the future of these American symbols have actually not been attended to-- apart from to silence me. Actually, there are fewer United States Park Police Officers today than there were more than one year ago when I was sent out house for daring to say that we weren't able to effectively fulfill our dedications with existing sources. Various other protection worries I raised internally have also gone un-addressed.

Picture the outcry if I had actually previously stayed quiet and if among those symbolic monuments or memorials had been ruined or the death had struck somebody checking out among those places. I did not wish to be standing with my superiors among the damages of one of these icons or in front of a Legislative board attempting to describe why we had not requested aid.

Regardless of the significant First Amendment and protection effects of my case for each and every there has actually been no Legislative treatment, no Legislative hearings, no demand of accountability by elected officials for those who acted to silence me and also that have neglected all cautions concerning the risks to which I notified them. Following my termination and the publicity that accompanied it, it is not likely that any type of present Federal worker will want to speak up with straightforward, exact details about the truths of any danger we face.

Our lawful charms continue, and also several of the management fees put versus me have actually currently been tossed out. Through it all, it is becoming clear that Federal staff members have little defense for simply telling the truth.

My story is told on a website,, established by my other half in December 2003 and maintained by him to ensure that the American individuals can "witness" the concerns in this situation. The website has given openness to my scenario by making essential files readily available for seeing, consisting of the transcripts of depositions of leading officials and their testimony during an essential administrative hearing.

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Reductions of information is spreading-- gag orders, non disclosures contracts, as well as the government's rejection to hand over papers. In agencies that cover Government service, conscientious public servants are struggling to interact crucial issues to their true companies-- youArticle Entry, the American public. Is anyone listening?

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