Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a fairly common yet sensitive issue related to manly reproductive health. It is the condition of incapability of a man to sustain the penile erection for lovemaking session or intercourse.

There are numerous physical and psychological factors that can cause ED, one of them is growing.

This generally happens because aged men are at a lesser threat of conditions like atherosclerosis (damaged arteries), diabetes, high cholesterol, and prostate issue, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. All these conditions lead to disabled force of blood throughout the body, including the penile. Since these are the major threat factors for erectile dysfunction, it is relatively common to notice the symptoms of erectile dysfunction more constantly as you age.

Erectile problems, aging may also be associated with the following sensual problems.

  • Need for further stimulation for thrill
  • Indecorous erection
  • Loss of sensual pleasure
  • Increase in the time for reaching climax
  • The increased time period between two erections

Although erectile problems are common with age, it does not mean that they are not treatable. You can have a healthy sensual life at the age of 60. It also does not mean that younger men do not experience erectile dysfunction occurrences at all.

Other reasons that can cause erectile dysfunction in men

  • Depression
  • Performance anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Poor functioning of the vascular system

How to improve health

  • Still, the first thing you need to do is to gutter those cigarettes, if you are a smoker.
  • Try to maintain healthy body weight. Borrow an active life, exercise regularly, and perform yoga to enhance blood rotation throughout the body.
  • Still, try to keep your blood sugar and blood pressure situations in check, If you are diabetes or hypertension case.
  • Eat healthy. Avoid slithery and unctuous foods and switch to a healthy diet comprising of whole- grains, fruits, filaments, and low- fat dairy.
  • Keep an eye on your sleep schedule. Make sure that you get at least 8 hours of healthy sleep every day.
  • Manage your stress situations.

Treatment with Sildigra Gold

Sildenafil Citrate 200mg tablets are taken orally for the treatment of erectile dysfunction only in men, powerfully activating the natural blood flow, followed by hardness and expansion of the penile region. As a result, one can buy Sildenafil citrate 200mg tablets online as it helps in sensual arousal, prolonged erection for maximum sensual performance. Sildenafil Citrate 200mg is used to treat male sensual function problems and is effective to reverse physical and psychological conditions.