What is the best way to get rid of black elbows and knees?

Bathing on a regular basis is essential for keeping the skin and body clean and healthy. Bathing and scrubbing the skin helps to remove dirt, oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dead skin cells are shed from the body and new ones form once a month, thus our skin is regularly replenished. Exfoliation and basic hygiene, such as washing with light soap, water, and a loofah, can readily remove these dead skin cells. If you don't wash any part of your skin on a regular basis, dead skin cells can accumulate in black patches that are often scaly and harsh. The longer a person does not clean correctly, the worse the symptoms may become. If these dark areas aren't treated, they might lead to secondary infections and other skin problems.

While quickies are good in the bath, there are likely to be regions of your body, such as elbows and knees that require a few more minutes to ensure they are thoroughly clean. The black patches on our elbows and knees are made up of a variety of substances, including sebum (oil released by the skin), dirt, sweat, and moisture, dead skin cells, bacteria and other pathogens, pollution (smoke and fumes, for example), and so on. As a result, the primary cause of these patches is a lack of personal hygiene. The black, scaly, slightly elevated, rough, or waxy skin does not appear overnight; it takes several months.

How can I keep my elbows and knees from turning dark?

Prevention can frequently be as simple as washing the skin on a regular basis. While bathing or showering, exfoliate your elbows and knees with gentle soap, water, and a loofah to remove dead skin cells and leave the surface feeling revitalised. It can aid in the removal of debris, sebum, and bacteria from the skin. In warmer months or after physically intense labour or exercise, taking more than one shower each day may be beneficial. After a bath, always apply coconut oil to the skin. This oil moisturises and hydrates the skin while also preventing dryness. Coconut oil contains vitamin E, which helps to heal and brighten skin. You can also try dark elbows and knees cream to get rid of this and brighten your skin.

How can you get rid of dark elbows and knees?

Regular washing and exfoliating can be used to cure simple cases with no consequences. Over the course of a few weeks, you will notice the results as the dead skin cells and other wastes are scraped off the elbows and knees. If this simple method does not solve the problem, you will need to use some items that are readily available at home.

  • Rub isopropyl alcohol on your elbows and knees if the hyperpigmentation is dark. Despite the fact that the illness poses no major medical risk, it is unsightly. Isopropyl alcohol could be used to totally remove dark brown discolouration.
  • Combine one tablespoon raw whole milk and one tablespoon baking soda in a mixing bowl. Rub this paste lightly on your knees and elbows for three to five minutes. Rinse well with water. Alternate the steps every other day until your skin lightens.
  • Combine two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and two tablespoons of water in a small mixing bowl. Combine the two ingredients thoroughly. This solution should be applied to your knees and elbows. Allow 15 minutes to pass before rinsing. To witness the difference in skin colour, use this cure on alternate days.
  • Cucumber and potato have a moderate acidic quality that might help lighten dark spotty skin. Take two tablespoons of fresh potato juice and two tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice and mix them together (extract the juice of cucumber and potato by grating them, pressing and squeezing out their juice). An equal amount of lemon juice should be added. All of the ingredients should be thoroughly combined. Apply to the affected regions and allow for a 30-minute rest period. Rinse well with water. Alternate days with this cure until your elbows and knees are white.
  • Sunlight can be used to dry orange peels. Pulverize it to a powder. Take two tablespoons of orange peel powder, two tablespoons of rose water, and two tablespoons of raw whole milk and mix them together. All of the ingredients should be thoroughly combined. Scrub this paste three times a week on your knees and elbows. After 15 minutes, rinse with water. The colour of your black elbows and knees will fade.
  • Combine coconut oil and walnut powder to make a thick scrub. Apply it three times a week to your elbows and knees. Scrub for approximately two to three minutes. Water should be used to clean. The colour of your knees and elbows will lighten as a result of this.
  • To make a paste, combine equal parts lemon juice and baking soda in a mixing bowl. Both of these substances have bleaching qualities, making them an excellent combination for treating dark knees and elbows. Rinse off the mixture after three to five minutes of rubbing. It'll also get rid of any hardened or dead skin.
  • Combine two tablespoons of gramme flour, a sprinkle of turmeric powder, one teaspoon malai, and a few drops of lemon juice in a mixing bowl. Rub this paste on your dark elbows and knees for 15 minutes three times a week until they lighten. Rinse well with water.
  • Using an aloe leaf, extract fresh aloe vera gel. Combine it with two tablespoons of yoghurt and a half teaspoon of turmeric powder in a mixing bowl. It should be used on dark elbows and knees. Allow 30 minutes to pass. Rinse well with water. For optimum results, repeat on alternate days.

This issue could take a few weeks to fix, depending on the severity of the case. If self-care is difficult for you for any reason, such as old age, postoperative complications, or organ disability, you can hire a caretaker or ask a loved one to assist you during this time. After each wash or scrub, apply coconut oil. It will not only whiten your teeth, but will also moisturise your elbows and knees.

In severe situations, topical medication may be required to break down thick dark patches on elbows and knees. These treatments are usually salicylic acid or glycolic acid, which can be purchased in low quantities over the counter. If the condition persists, a dermatologist may prescribe higher quantities or other substances to break upscales and black deposits on the elbows and knees.

It could be a symptom of infection if these black and scaly skin patches start to rot, bleed, or ooze. For therapy, these symptoms should be reported to a doctor or dermatologist.