Should you buy coffee beans or still take ground coffee right away?

So, we propose to turn to the facts. First, let's answer the question - why do we grind coffee beans? The main purpose of coffee preparation is to extract the maximum of its flavor potential from coffee - those endless variations of delicious flavor profiles that roasters create on their roasters. Whole grain, as a natural reservoir, retains aromas and flavors for a long time, which are revealed later in the cup. Recall you're wonderful feeling when you open a pack of freshly roasted coffee beans and ground grain, if you decide to buy it, after all, tends to lose its qualities very quickly - within just a few hours after opening the package. Vacuum packaging is able to keep the freshness of ground coffee in the closed state but immediately ceases to be such after the first opening. Thus, the faster you brew and drink a pack of ground coffee, the better.


We propose to conduct a small experiment: grind a certain amount of coffee and leave it for half a day in an open container, then grind a new portion of coffee from the same pack and compare the aroma between them. You will feel a huge difference! For bean coffee lovers, slowness and sensual enjoyment at every stage of the preparation of the drink are important. Opening the package, weighing the right amount of grain, then ground with the inhalation of the aroma of freshly ground coffee, then slowly brewing - all this is like a coffee ceremony. Such a procedure is a must-have for expensive coffees, such as micro-lots like ours. This is where price comparison comes in. Ground coffee is a mass-produced coffee and is therefore usually significantly cheaper than whole coffee beans. The pack contains commercial varieties with a very inexpressive flavor and aroma profile. In a homogeneous mass of factory grinding, it is difficult to assess the quality of the raw materials used. Specialty coffee is always supplied in beans, which is the de-facto industry standard. In this case, tricks with the composition will not work. You will receive exactly the coffee you bought.


Industrial grinding in the factories of coffee producers is characterized by uniformity, and this, in turn, allows you to get a stable cup every time at home. At the same time, there is one very important limitation - the grinding is always the same, but there are a lot of brewing methods. After grinding, bean coffee opens up better when brewing, because essential oils, carefully covered with a shell, do not disappear immediately. Therefore, such coffee has a much more intense and brighter aroma. Were we able to convince you? If not, here are our recommendations for ground coffee. Buy coffee in very small packages, for example, the volume of consumption for a week. This can ensure that you get a fresh enough cup of coffee every time. Ground coffee almost completely loses its taste and aroma after opening the package for two weeks.


Keep your coffee away from taste killers like heat, moisture, and light. A coffee storage container with a tight-fitting lid or a tight zip-lock coffee pack is ideal. But keep in mind that even coffee from vacuum packs will be less fresh than coffee that you grind yourself. The shorter the time interval between grinding and brewing, the tastier the drink!


Conclusion: if you love coffee as much as we do, then grind the beans right before brewing. A cup of fragrant invigorating drink is guaranteed.