See, it’s very important for everyone to reach in the right place and at the right time, right? And for this, the device that you are using for navigation must be updated timely.

Magellan RoadMate is a great navigator, like most of the people. Do you want to update Magellan RoadMate 1440?

Don’t worry, it’s very easy to do Magellan Map Update, nothing hard in it. We will help you with how to easily and quickly update Magellan RoadMate 1440.

Do you want to solve this issue now? That’s okay, we warmly welcome you to get in touch with our support team.

They are always there with you, and for 100% guaranteed they will provide you the most effective and quick solutions to overcome the issues that you have.

So, you can communicate with our experts by dialing on a toll-free number.

Everything is possible only if you want, otherwise, the thing which is possible also seems impossible.

If you want to solve this issue on your own then you can fix it easily, there is nothing tough that you can’t do.

This article will help you to succeed but only then if you will properly, sequence wise follow the steps mentioned below.

So, we hope you are ready to update Magellan RoadMate on your own? Let’s start, just have a look below!

What To Do To Update Magellan RoadMate 1440

So, as we all know, to update our device is very important for the device to work well or to add new features and many such important things.

Now, we will look for what to do to update The Magellan RoadMate 1440, follow the ever easy steps carefully. 


  • So, firstly just connect your Magellan device with the computer with the help of the USB cable wire.
  • Then, visit the Official website. 
  • If you already have an account there then just log in your account but if not then create the account.
  • After that, you will see maps and update options.
  • Just click on that and wait for the update to complete. 

After following these steps you can remove the USB cable from your device, and your device will be updated. 

Look, how easy it was to Update Magellan RoadMate 1440, hopefully, you succeed in updating your Magellan device.

But if you still haven't updated your device then don’t worry, just get in touch with experts to know more!