The angled sections will poke into it and that's what's gonna hold it in place so when I did this this is the second woman I did the first one I drilled the deepest hole first which was a big mistake and ended that coming out really bad because that didn't base way you see there it's awful I base get to hold the drill in place while I did it so now I'm using some epoxy glue in this Kate in this case it's five minute Erol done so it's a two parter who's yves we mix it together on some scrap wood Metal Corner Brackets so this is just to ensure that one they coupler nuts stay in place and also that we don't get water and gunk in the gaps I have to put a fair bid on this one I'm doing the one that I mucked up first because it's got sort of pretty big gaps in it so I'm using a fair bit of glue to fill in the gaps and the other one we don't need as much glue and there you can see with the gluing and I just leave it in this frame here for a while to dry now I'm just measuring the length of the leg so basically just set it on the ground with my bench in place put a line against the table underneath against the leg.

So from the table height you can see it is there and then what I do from that height I make I measure another hundred mils up which if your north American would be four inches I think and that's the room for adjustment so we've got the actual depth plus another hundred mils for adjustment all right and now I'm just gonna cut the feet originally I was going to use as a double layer of this plywood for the feet but then I realized I could do it with just a single layer and so I didn't actually enough kneading that much yeah this piece here was too small for me to risk doing on the banner the table saw I want to cut my fingers off so I decided just to use a hand saw my rusty old handsaw. Large metal corner brackets, Metal corner brackets for wood, Heavy-duty metal corner brackets, Long metal corner brackets, Metal corner brackets Screwfix, Decorative metal corner brackets, Corner brace brackets, L brackets. 

Outdoor screws Screwfix, Railway sleeper brackets, Screwfix railway sleeper brackets, Railway sleeper brackets b&q. It must be said so now I've decided on a position to put the bracket down now these brackets do need to be sort of squeezed together to get them the right distance I'm just testing Outdoor Screws where it should sit with the timber in place and then marking my point for the holes there where I'm going to put the screws in I'm getting these the brackets as close to the centre of the table as possible because I want to stop the bowing in the middle if you're a real beginner toward work and the way I select which drill bit to use to put screws in is I want the drill bit to cover up the shaft of the screw without covering up the actual thread sew the thread still shows.