Historic Background of Rameshwar Temple, Mumbai

Dealing with the eastern, the Rameshwar holy place is a Shiva holy place developed in 1842 A. D. in cut rushed rock stonework by Raghoba Jivaji Jayakar. There is a Nandi (Shiva’s bull) constructed in rock, concerning 750 mm (2′ 6″) high, in the sabha-mandap (parish hall) with a rock Kurma (turtle) in front.

This holy place opens out onto a roadway with actions leading right into the mandap (hall) covered by pitched roofing bordering the square primary temple. At the outdoors entryway there is a deepmala (light tower) as well as the front has no wall surfaces yet a jalli or grille in an easy style, which makes the framework aesthetically light as well as welcoming by this openness.

The Rameshwar holy place is a common mix of Maratha and also Gujarati design noted by the block tower of nagara kind in lime mortar, over the major temple. The apex of the shikhara dome is the item de resistance, which mirrors the initial interest offered to holy place style in kind as well as describing.

Repair Plain by Sunanda Global

In a collection of examinations that were accomplished the current one in 2000, it was exposed that there was a rise in spalling of plaster from the brickwork of the apex on the landward in addition to the offshore side. The plaster on the west side (seaward) showed up to be audio, it can not be assumed to be so. Encrustration, as well as carbonation, showed up, causing the development of a difficult layer on the top, however, it was rather soft on the within in the stonework joints.

As a result of consistent maturing and also weathering, the holy place had actually come under a state of disrepair. This motivated the instant demand for treatment to save the holy place.

After the thorough examinations and also appointment among professionals from the heritage area as well as likewise from the products round, the adhering to repair service technique was made a decision. Due cognisance was offered to the preservation Concepts.

A lot of the plaster and also mortar in the stonework joints were called for to be eliminated as well as redone with changed cementitious mortar that works with old mortar as well as blocks. The interior crevices are required to be grouted with changed concrete slurry solutions for combination as well as longevity.

The whole initial coating and also ornamental attributes and also concepts called for to be brought back with various qualities of plaster and also customized mortar and also the surface area ultimately treated with customized cementitious layer, which had waterproofing homes however yet breathable. The rock stonework joints needed to be analyzed for cracks, and also secured making use of covering up tapes and also afterward grouted.

As needed by the Department of Archaeology, the existing asbestos concrete corrugated sheet roofing required to be changed with Mangalore ceramic tile roof on brand-new wood participants. The exterior, as well as interior stonework wall, surfaces needed to be removed off the worn-out plaster, as well as grouted with suitable cementitious slurry, and after that replastered with a suitable product. The solutions such as pipes and also the electric setup called for to be spruced up by substitutes as well as updated to as well as the whole framework repainted in idea color.

As pointed out earlier besides adhering to preservation concepts from the sturdiness perspective, different product scientific research concepts were likewise thought about as gone over listed below.


The scrubby state of the heritage framework is seemingly due to the constant assault of hefty rains and also ecological specifications connected with chloride access. This can give rise to various chemical formations inside the matrix of the structure, which can have different expansive properties in dry and wet conditions. It was chosen to water resistant the framework with “breathable therapy” making use of recognized polymer-modified polymeric membrane layer. The treatment was also tested for ultra violet resistance. The waterproofing treatment was given after the basic rehabilitation work.

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