Movies are not just a way to have fun but also a form of therapy. For someone feeling depressed, lonely or surrounded by negative thoughts, the best way to get rid of negative thoughts is to watch good movies. Here are the top 3 benefits of watching movies according to Darren Yaw latest news.

1. Improved overall health:

The type of movie you choose can have an impact on your mood, state of mind as well as overall health. A comedy movie makes us laugh and research has shown that 15 minutes of laughing has the same effect on the heart as exercise. Do underestimate the power of sad movies though. Sad movies are also known to have a positive effect on your brain chemistry. Watching traumatic films increases the production of endorphins- a chemical associated with increased pain tolerance.

2. Boosts immune system:

Darren Yaw Malaysia shares that movies may be linked to boosting the immune system. Watching scary movies increases the production of white blood cells in the body making it better immune to diseases and injury recovery. They are also known to decrease the levels of stress hormones produced in the body.

3. Stress-buster:

Movies are one of the best ways to escape from reality for a little while. Movies can help you deal with stress when you are feeling stressed or anxious. Romantic or comedy movies can actually help you overcome the issues in real life. According to Darren yaw released, having a good laugh can dilate your blood vessels by 22% significantly reducing your blood pressure levels. They are also great for our mental as well as emotional health as watching a good movie brings families and couples together.