Why Did We Need a Scheduling App?
    Software development is a multi-stage process that involves many departments, each of which performs its own tasks to benefit the future product. In this case, you cannot do without competent management. Otherwise, the entire pipeline will fall apart, and the quality of the final software will be questionable.
    Various scheduling apps are designed to assist in the development process. Many digital solutions fall under this concept, and each of them is aimed at covering all (or some of) the following tasks:

  • Schedule management. The name speaks for itself. Such applications and software are needed to schedule meetings, track projects, control budgeting, and employee workload.

  • Real-time communication. Such systems also help establish messaging, e-mail, and calls directly related to the created schedules.

  • Shift management. Large companies with many employees simply cannot live without a transparent and convenient management system for working days and hours, day-offs, sick days, and so on.

  • Analytics and reporting. Depending on companies’ internal procedures, some enterprises need transparent insights on the number of hours worked, the time spent on certain tasks, and the total workload. This helps not only to build processes correctly but also supports in financial matters of the company.
    More info https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/how-to-build-a-scheduling-app