You now have a plethora of options when it comes to purchasing a product, and autos are no exception. Although cost and performance are key considerations, appearance and aesthetics have a significant influence in decision-making, particularly among car enthusiasts. The majority of car lovers aspire to have a quick and one-of-a-kind vehicle charm. This impatience can lead to modification and alterations, and 'tyre upsizing' is everywhere.

While tyre upsizing provides a car with a bold posture, it has performance penalties in addition to the satisfaction of a determined appearance.

As a result, before upgrading their tyres, car owners should think about a few things.

Technically, there are two methods for tyre upsizing:

#1: Keeping the old wheels while installing bigger tyres

#2: Fitting wider tyres and switching to bigger wheels

The Benefits of Tyre Upsizing

Tyre upsizing provides the following advantages to owners in addition to an aesthetic improvement in the car's appearance.

Tyre upsizing is among the fastest ways for many automobile buyers to customize their car and bring an extra touch to its side view. Larger tyres, in other words, let the car look stylish and add to its aesthetic factor.

Wider Stance: Larger tyres have a maximum contact surface, which means they have more contact with the road. This aids the driver in maintaining greater balance and stability, particularly when travelling at a higher pace.

Braking Distances are Reduced: Larger tyres decrease braking distances and provide better control during braking. It also means less or no skidding and, as a result, increased safety.

Suspension plays an important function in turning the car. Wider Bridgestone Tyres Reading offer less sidewall flex, allowing the operator to corner more effectively even though the car is going at high speeds.

Overall Command: Tyre upsizing improves a vehicle's complete efficiency in terms of balance, durability, and traction. It can be beneficial for cars that are prone to oversteering because wider tyres assist the driver in correctly balancing the car, making driving safer and more secure. 

Disadvantages of upsizing the tyres

The Price

It goes without saying that larger tyres are more expensive. The bigger the upsize, the more cost you'll have to spend on new tyres and wheels. Is it really worth it to spend so much money on this little glam? 


Larger tyres will almost certainly weigh much more than standard tyres. And it doesn't require a rocket scientist to figure out that putting additional weight on the 4 wheels will have an impact on the car's economy, speed, and performance.

A More Challenging Ride

It's critical to realise that the sidewalls of the tyres have a critical function in absorbing vibrations and making the ride more pleasant and secure. Upsizing lowers the elevation and thickness of the tyre sidewall, which affects the ability of the upgraded tyres to handle shocks. To compensate for the loss of stress absorption and durability, levels of reinforcements must be included in the tyre's structure to preserve its strength.

It will lead to a much tougher tyre that will produce a bumpier and rougher trip, which would not only be unpleasant for you but also cause more damage to the suspension system of your automobile.

 Difficulty in Steering

The harsher steering is a result of the greater weight and larger contact area. The axle carries the majority of the additional weight, which is conveyed to the car's driving.

The Effects of Excessive wear

Tyres that are too big cause not just extra wear and strain on the tyres, but also on the vehicle. The chassis of an automobile is intended for specific wheel sizes, and as you buy bigger wheels, the chassis characteristics change as well. It can't process as much stress as it used to, in the worst situation, the wheel wells aren't wide enough to accept the tyres during shocks. The tyres may rub against the wheel arches, completely damaging the chassis and causing significant alignment problems.

Fuel Efficiency Is Reduced

Gas mileage suffers as you expand the size of the tyres. Increased rolling resistance is caused by larger Mobile Tyre Fitting Reading and greater contact surfaces, which implies the engine has to work harder to handle the extra resistance each time you take your car. The car's mileage will undoubtedly suffer as a result of this.

A Faulty Speedometer

Upsizing the Cheap Tyres Reading can also cause problems with your equipment. That's since the rotation of the wheels is used to calibrate a number of the vehicle's electronics, such as the speedometer. Because upgrading tyres alter the tyre's width, the tyre travels a variable distance whenever it spins, and the input to the electronics varies dramatically as a result. This confuses the vehicle's electronics, which are clearly unaware that the tyre diameter has altered.

So, Is It Better To Upsize?

Although tyre upsizing is an attractive proposal from the perspective of a vehicle's aesthetic value, car owners must take into account a number of factors connected to their daily driving needs. Furthermore, vehicle owners should contact professional tyre specialists to evaluate if tyre upgrading is a significant change for them.