The humble parantha remains strong in significance even with the instant breakfast options available. Often considered the best Indian street food in Surrey, the parantha is a hit with office goers and collegians alike.

In this blog, we have attempted to trace the origin of the paranthas, the difference between parantha and roti, and why it continues to enjoy popularity among Asians and Canadians alike.

Origin of Paranthas

The word parantha is derived from a Hindi word that signifies parat and atta, which translates into flakes and flour. It is not necessary that we can trace back its origin to India. However, its influences can be easily seen in the Indian sub-continent.

For example, in Srilanka, the parantha comes in square shape form, and in Burma, you can eat them with chopsticks rather than bare hands; Bangladeshi Dhakai also looks akin to it.

What is the difference between parantha and roti?

The main difference between them is that roti is made from wheat flour and water, whereas parantha incorporates oil or ghee. The dough is kneaded and rolled with ghee, and then it is placed in a skillet.

The heat adds to the savory taste and gives it a perfect texture. You can lade your parantha with different herbs and spices and accompany it with vegetable dishes, butter, and curd.

It is a staple food among Asians because of its health benefits and tasty stuffing. It keeps your stomach filled and resists an urge to grab unhealthy snacks. This perhaps explains why people across BC and Canada are catching on this wholesome and nutritious breakfast staple. It is no wonder that when you Google “Indian restaurant in Surrey near me”, you are likely to come up with names like Paratha2pasta that offers a wide variety in mouthwatering parantha delicacies

What are the ingredients that you can add to a parantha?

The best thing about the parantha is adding any stuff to it. You can stuff it with lentils, aloo, onion, sprouts, cauliflowers, radish, carrot, etc. The stuffing can vary depending upon your mood. The best parathas in Surrey serve these stuffing to add immense variety to the parathas menu.


The magic of paranthas has still not faded, thanks to its taste and health benefits. It truly combats the trending fast food items. Order now from Paranthatwopasta and get your hands on delicious cuisine service in Surrey.