If you're not interested in taking on bosses, you may want to be able to Rune Dragons which are also highly lucrative. They require less attention and effort, while leaving similar items to those which come from the boss. You can do this at a lower stage when you manage to RuneScape Gold complete Dragon Slayer II completed.

Successful completion of Lunar Diplomacy quest, Castle Wars Balloon gain access to higher amount of battlestaves supply through completion of Varrock Diaries or 66 Magic. Creating Battlestaves is a popular method to earn some gold. Additionally, in addition to earning money, you'll also gain experience with two abilities - Crafting and Magic. This method of creating gold requires a lot preparation but in the end it's far more beneficial than making regular Air Staves.

For the first step, take some of the most valuable items into your arsenal - Beautiful Outfit, Fire Staff, Ring of Duelling and the Anti-Dragon Shield. As if that weren't enough you'll also need to collect cosmic runes, logs and the most effective remedy that you can afford. Rest of the inventory should be filled with non-powered orbs. If you're not able to reach 70 Agility you'll be unable use the shortcut, so ensure that you take along the Dust Key.

Begin with the Castle Wars and take the balloon to Taverley. After you arrive on the site, head towards toward the Fire Obelisk. It requires at least 70 Agility (80plus recommended). Charge all of the orbs you've collected and teleport back in the Castle Wars to repeat the procedure.

When you've finished charging, you can make Battlestaves out of the orbs, and then apply High Alchemy to turn them into gold. With a lower Agility than 70, this process is extremely run intensive , you may have to do working on other tasks such as fletching or alching. This can be Cheap OSRS Gold performed in the spare time between runs while looking to regain your stamina.