IT support and services provider companies provide all kinds of products and services that cater to most of the business needs. So, we have listed down some of the most common of their products and services offered by IT service companies in India.

IT/ Tech support/Help desk

Back when computers were a whole new thing to be used in offices, IT professionals were needed to help in maintaining, fixing, or upgrading the systems. But times have changed and most of the offices can handle a lot of things without needing any external/professional help. Most of the software has become very easy to use, but software freezes and hacker threats are continuously increasing. Hence, file servers need regular maintenance, for which you need a 'help desk', which will come to your rescue in the events of emergency with their IT support team.

File servers

File servers are the computers that are large enough to hold all the data generated by your office, including emails, PC Law Data, Microsoft Word documents. Previously, most offices purchased file servers, but due to their heavy costs, they are now moving to IT services providers in India for entirely cloud-based systems, because it is fast, cost-saving, safe, and allows you to log in to their entire work on any device.


Email forms the foundation of all work communication for thousands of us. So, these accounts should be kept secure, store email data as needed, allow to add or restrict email addresses and it should be made sure that the software is working smoothly. 

Computer repair

Several IT service companies in India specialize in computer repair that allows you to either walk into their office with a computer to be repaired or send a technician to your office. While some other companies undertake computer repairing work, only for regular clients. The companies carry out a lot of computer maintenance and repair remotely and even visit their clients when needed.

Cloud services

Cloud services have completely changed the scenario of IT support for companies, through its delivery of services over the internet. The entire file servers and work computers can survive on the cloud service. IT services providers in India offer cloud services which can be of two types, public cloud and private cloud. Running your services on a public cloud means that a third-party provider rents you're the space that you need. While a private cloud system is used exclusively by a single company with a highly secure data center. The clients can have access to their exclusively allocated cloud space from the data center. Cloud services are very beneficial for organizations due to their lower costs, high speed, top security standards, provision of flexible work hours and spaces. It also allows you to log in to your work computer on any device. 

Virtual desktops

This is a safe and modern way of gaining remote access to your computer. We need to access our files and applications quickly and easily when working from home and traveling. Virtual desktops allow you to log on to your entire work computer and display everything as you had left it, but the only difference is that you will be browsing your work files on a different device. Thus, you can move from your office desktop to your home laptop without having to reopen your documents by obtaining virtual desks from an IT services provider company.

Summing up

These are some of the products and services that you can choose from that the IT support companies provide you. They can also customize their services according to your needs.