The human amniotic membrane has been in practice for dental surgery for a long time to reconstruct the soft and hard tissue in the oral cavity. Amnion is a natural material that covers the human embryo in its early stage of formation. This membrane is so potent that it protects the fetus all throughout its development within the uterus. Amnion membrane is considered an ideal allograft product for dental bone grafting surgery as it’s a pure organic material produced from human donors.

    • A perfect grafting material

Amniotic membrane has unique characteristics to enhance gingival wound healing properties to reduce the chances of scarring. It is essentially an excellent grafting material to give a very good wound coverage after the dental implant surgery boosting the wound’s healing process without causing any complications.

    • A secure allograft material

Amniotic membrane is now becoming an advance in the dentistry practice as a very effective and secure allograft material for healing chronic and acute wounds as well as reducing the appearance of potential scar tissues. Moreover, amnion membrane is increasing in the application for utilizing it as a barrier membrane and a soft tissue regeneration graft.

    • Amnion material is very flexible

Using a biocompatible and natural amnion membrane can improve the rate of healing wounds. Rather than using a typical dental membrane, using an amnion membrane can improve the patient’s comfort and reduce the pain with oral surgical wounds. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring properties make it suitable for post-operative inflammation and fibrosis after all dental procedures. Since the material is very flexible, the membrane allows molding closely around the surgical site.

    • This membrane is highly manipulated

Generally, amnion membranes are stored and packed dry. For instant application, they are hydrated in saline solution to unfold and prepare to use. Due to their higher adhesion properties, they quickly fasten to the wound surface securely. Moreover, amnion membranes can be highly manipulated to correct the placement errors, and at times they can be removed to rehydrate and reposition, especially in a single cohesive surgery.

Due to so many utilities, amnion membrane is now considered an essential material for dental treatments. Suppose you are interested in using amnion membranes in your dental procedures. Get in touch with Dental Implant Technologies to buy appropriate, reliable, and durable products befit for a wide range of advanced dental surgeries.