Hair loss surgery is more common in men than in women because hair loss is more common in men. However, in most societies, it turns out that hair loss in women can reduce self-esteem due to its deteriorating nature. Therefore, the hair removal process can provide great relief for women.


Not long ago, wearing a wig was one of the most effective treatments. Fortunately, there are other options that can solve the problem of female infertility. With the improvement of modern treatments, hair transplantation in women is much more efficient than ever. On the other hand, keep in mind that not all women who suffer from hair loss can implant.


Transplantation is usually recommended for women with a condition called androgenetic alopecia, also known as gonorrhea. In addition to hereditary disorders, there are other known causes of hair loss in women due to childbirth, menopause, oral contraceptives, and hormonal disorders manifested by the presence of ovarian cysts. Other causes include chronic health problems, autoimmune problems, thyroid disease, medications, anxiety and depression.


Men and women can lose their hair, but the symptoms vary by gender. It can be seen that men tend to have hair loss in places such as hair loss, but women's hair loss is generally thin. Hair loss in women leads to hair loss on the scalp. If a girl is the looking for Female hair transplant in Lahore, there should be a suitable place for donations where you can get hair follicles. Hair growth experiments should be conducted after considering the condition and number of hair follicles and the elasticity of the skin.


In female hair growth surgery, the surgeon removes the hair follicles from the area of the head where the entire hair growth is seen and inserts a small number of these hair follicles into the hair follicles. Affected area. Doctors usually find the height of the hair on the back of the head and rub the broken part of the hair. Surgery usually fails if there are not enough blood clots. When the hair is removed from the thin area, the growth of new hair in the transplanted area is also thinned, resulting in poor quality.


It can take a long time for the hair to recover and you may not have noticed what they did before the rot began. On the other hand, as a result of a woman's hair length, her head is covered with normal hair follicles for several months after surgery.


Before considering whether hair transplantation is the best plan for women, it is important to note that women's hair transplantation can be expensive. There are many cheap treatments for hair loss in women, but hair transplantation in women usually costs $ 2,000 to $ 12,000, depending on the number of strokes. In addition to the cost, it is often difficult to find a surgeon to vaccinate a woman.


If hair loss is not a viable option, it is advisable to look for a hair loss treatment that gives satisfactory results. Visit