Expense management refers to a system businesses use to organise their internal spending. Traditionally, it would involve employee reimbursements for business-related spending - however, in modern times, businesses are moving away from staff reimbursements and prefer to give employees their own spending credits. Businesses do this by implementing online expense management systems involving virtual corporate cards.


Expense management can be performed manually or automatically through an updated application. Independent expense management applications such as DiviPay can automatically track financial transactions by collecting receipts and logging employee expenditures. They can also sync with business’ existing accounting systems to automate data transferring.


This will help businesses build their own expense report, as well as gather detailed analysis of their employees’ spending patterns. Through applications, businesses can also create categorisation rules on the fly to customise their expense management system to their preferences. Employees will also be reminded to record their transactions if necessary for more accurate expense management and analysis.