Dealing with monthly periods is par for the course for every woman. But not every woman has painful periods cramp, sometimes so severe that they may disrupt nightly sleep or work routines. This article discusses why one gets menstrual cramps, and what one can do for cramp comfort.

Why do you get menstrual cramps?

Menstrual cramps are a bit like muscular cramps. They are caused by the regular contraction and relaxation of the uterine muscles. The uterus contracts to expel its lining and other material during the monthly period, and this process causes cramping. Menstrual cramps can be quite painful for some women.

But since they are like muscular cramps, should you use a hot patch or a cold compress for pain relief? Let’s find out.

What are heat pain relief therapies?

Heat pain relief therapies are used to provide relaxation to aching muscles and tissues. The hot temperature increases blood flow to the painful muscle, and improves circulation. This soothes the pain and allows the muscle to regain its former flexibility. Heat therapy can soothe muscles and heal tissues damaged due to injury. There are two types of heat pain relief therapies: Dry, in which heating patches, hot water bottles and even saunas are included, which are topically applied and easy to use. The other type is moist heat, such as hot water baths and steamed towels.

What are cold compresses for pain relief?

Cold compresses lower the temperature in a certain part of the body to cause numbness and hence, a temporary relief from pain. Cold compresses are used for sports and gym injuries, or when one has a twisted ankle or sprain in any part of the body. However, they work on swelling and inflammation caused in tissues, ligaments, tendons and muscles. The cold temperature reduces the swelling, too. They work by restricting blood flow to the injured part of the body. This limits bruising, inflammation and swelling.

[Also Read: 5 ways to tackle period pain at home ]

Which one is best for cramp comfort?

Based on the explanation provided for each type of pain relief method, it naturally follows that heat pain relief is best for menstrual cramp comfort. Heat can be applied to the painful uterine muscles by using a heating patch or a hot water bottle. Most women commonly use hot water bottles for menstrual pain relief. However, heating patches are safer and easier to use.

When heat is applied to the lower abdominal area, the tense and contracted uterine muscles are able to relax. Once they relax, they are less painful and blood flow (out of the body) is also improved without further ado.

[Also Read: Cramp Comfort: our response to your period pain]


The Nua heating patch for cramp comfort

Don’t let your period pain disrupt your sleep any more. There is no reason why you cannot enjoy deep, uninterrupted sleep during your period without any discomfort. Before you sleep, use the Nua heating patch as shown on the pack. The patch uses your body temperature to warm up and can be used for up to 8 hours at a time. It provides the necessary cramp comfort from menstrual pain and lets you rest. Also use the Nua sanitary pads during your monthly cycle – each pack is customised to suit your period, with three variants for heavy, regular and light flow days.

If your menstrual cramps are so debilitating that you cannot work or study as you usually do, then you should schedule a visit to your gynaecologist. Some amount of discomfort is normal, but sustained and severe pain throughout the period is not.