Mortgages can be a huge financial burden for many homeowners, and interest rates that rise over time can seem overwhelming. If you don't have to pay additional interest, there are easy ways to pay off your loan balance and shorten your loan term.

Pay Early

When you move into your new home for the first time, you may feel dizzy from the buying process and your savings account may be damaged. If you plan your budget well and cut down on luxuries, over time this fund should grow steadily and pay off your monthly loan payments. Making large, extra payments at the beginning of a loan term is a great way to reduce the number of years it will take to send a check to your lender. The early mortgage repayment reduces the amount of interest accrued during this period.

Round Payments Up

When you go online to pay off a loan or sit down to write a check, convert the payment to the nearest dollar, ten dollars, twenty dollars or whatever you can afford. Be careful not to overdo it, as you can get depressed when it comes time to pay for other necessities, like paying your electric or gas bill. There are many online programs and software available to help you keep track of your finances and determine how high you can limit this month.


You don't have to be a hermit, but budgeting for how much you spend on food, luxury items, travel, and other unnecessary expenses can help you save more money to pay off your home debt. You can keep track of what you have saved compared to the amount you have spent as usual and put that money in your payment.

Put Extras Towards Your Mortgage

Throughout the year, it is often a surprise when we receive money through a tax refund, gift, bond, or inheritance, and we go straight to the store to go to a new TV or spend the money on a family vacation. We want to spend. But if your goal is to pay off the mortgage loan early, spend it to pay off the extra money. This can add an additional payment or two per year and shorten the loan period to two years.