Once again we arrive for the December Global Holidays. While a large portion of the population enjoys the season, we must be careful how we spend our work-related vacations. I have been a manager/director for almost 20 years and I want to share some tips on how to spend the holidays.

Holiday Parties

In today's work environment, you should never ask your employees for religious opinions. However, you may have chosen an individual belief throughout the process. It is never safe to think that it is appropriate to celebrate a holiday.

Some religions consider celebrating any day as a form of worship on that day and it is not an acceptable practice. Every year around this time I host a dinner to thank the staff. This is a role that, as a manager, expresses my gratitude to the staff for their service over the past year.


If you decide to celebrate the holiday, the next question will be about gifts. I have worked in places that encourage the exchange of gifts if it is not necessary. This can be a lot of fun for you and your employees, but it can also reduce the burden on some employees.


I must admit that I still struggle in this area. If Christmas, Hanukkah, or other greetings are extended, I will gladly offer them to you in return. If not, I prefer to stick to the standards, have a good day or a good weekend. Managers don't make you Scrooge. As a manager, it is always good to put aside our own beliefs and be considerate of our employees.


As a manager, this is something most of us miss. Did you know that choosing a business for a vacation or giving out gift cards in a store or establishment can be considered a form of sponsorship by your company? That doesn't mean you can't take your employees, just let them decide.

Discuss at one of the staff meetings and ask for suggestions. When proposals are accepted, a survey is conducted on where to go, as many believe it to be an acceptable organization. If you want to give gift cards to your employees, stick to the common cards that can be used anywhere.


I know this sounds normal, but as a manager, we must bear in mind that we do not always know everything that happens in the lives of our employees. This year can be very stressful and we must be sensitive to this reality. Thoughts like excitement, why are you so depressed, are you upset this year? We can be supportive, but no one should think that everyone will be happy this time of year.