This month I challenged my two sister Sabrina & Ne to a steps challenge to see who could get the most for the month of September.

We’ve been on a bit of a health kick during this Covid lockdown so it’s been good to get out and about. We’ve had vaccinations in this time too which has made it more interesting but the challenge has been a laugh. I put a video on YouTube of our last 15 days. I made it a goal of mine to do at least 10,000 steps a day which will equate to 300,000 steps by the end of the month. There have been days where I’ve felt tired after work but when I would go on Instagram I would see stories of these two walking which would them force me to get out and go walking. On the flip side of this I’ve also been trying to eat well and drink more water. I’m definitely feeling the benefit of this however you would think by now i would be looking somewhat like super man but I feel as though I look the same.

Today being the last day I look forward to seeing who won this challenge. I can’t wait.