Stuck in traffic? Didn't the alarm go off? There is nothing like the total panic that shocks your system when you realize that you are going to miss your flight. But don't give up on your trip, we've got the scoop to get your travel plans back on track.

If you've missed or nearly missed your flight, take a minute to panic first. Check Delta Airlines Missed Flight Policy .Then when you've got that out of your system and your wits about you again, take one of these next steps to correct your course.

Delta Airlines Missed Flight Policy 

If you come from another flight, even if it is from another airline, most of the time the airline will take care of booking you until your final destination. If you have lost your connection, be aware that you will likely be put on hold on the next available flight.

If you find yourself in this situation, call the airline ahead of time to make sure they can collect your bags. They will arrive before you, so simply informing the baggage claim agent will help speed up the process. Also, call your hotel and ground transportation if you will be arriving much later than expected.

Get Connected with the Delta Airlines Phone Number 

What if it's not the airline's fault that you missed your flight? What if you are on the ground? Many times the airline's general phone number is on your e-ticket or receipt. However, that will get you onto a main line and getting to your direct airport will take some time.

When you're about to miss or have missed a flight, those minutes will feel like hours. Instead, if you can connect, go to the website of the airport you are traveling from. All airports have some type of airline contact information page, with local numbers for each airline serving that location. Call the reservations desk immediately to speak with a gate agent or ticket sales representative.

Before the door closes

If you call before your flight door closes, there is a much higher chance that you will be able to switch to another flight without too much fuss. Be courteous and briefly explain your circumstances. But please, no long explanations or tearful stories. Frankly, they don't care and are too busy to hear all of that.

If you contact them before your plane departs, it is very likely that you will be able to switch to a different flight that day. However, keep in mind that the exchange fees are steep. Politely ask if the fee can be waived or lowered, as many gate agents have that power.

One way tickets

If you arrive after check-in closes, you are probably out of luck and the next thing on your agenda is to get a new ticket. If you're in the first part of your itinerary, you can't just buy a one-way ticket instead of paying a costly change fee. This will generally cancel your entire itinerary. Your best option is to pay the exchange rate. However, if you are on your flight home and your luggage is already in advance, getting a cheap one-way ticket is a great solution. Go for it!

The most important thing is not to punish yourself for missing a flight. It happens even to the most punctual and experienced traveler. Going with the flow, being flexible and kind even when stressed is part of the journey and part of life. Take a deep breath and ask for help. You will get where you want to go.