These sesqui terpenes that are bigger and heavier because the people aren't going to perceive those big sesqui terpenes so if you all you have is a sesqui terpenes it still might not smell like anything and you could have 4% terpenes so it's a it's a balance between all those different Buy Terpenes things you know one of the things that people always ask me about terpenes is they want to do strain identification based on them they want to look at a terpene profile in a fingerprint and say that's our diesel him that's og cush and you know a lot of people have been interested in that for a long time and interested probably one of the first papers that was written on that was back in 2004 that's a while ago you know it's been a while it's been 12 years and in the work that they did in that paper it became fairly clear that it's really difficult to say indica this and sativa this what they were able to say more realistically is that based on a certain terpene profile or cluster you can say it had a likely originating from a certain geographic region.


So that is something that you can do with terpenes although there's a lot of gray around that so to speak because of all of the mixing and interference that us humans have done in strains and in varieties so you do have to take that with a grain of salt and unfortunately terpenes isn't going to be the thing that lets you fingerprint and say this is Sour Diesel this is og cush so sorry to burst the bubble I know everybody wants it to be that way but but so far the work doesn't suggest that and one of the things that I think is cool for the farmer is that you can also influence the expression of terpenes through your toe are through the processing of your cannabis as well so that environment in True Terpenes which you grow it and what's in your soil it matters for the expression of terpenes and you know it's about the metabolic engine that is in your plants and feeding it all of the right things so that has all the building blocks it needs to create all those compounds that you're interested in so first is great nutrients and great soil and great terroir you know when you have things like pests invade Asians and diseases that also affects the ability of the plant to produce things like terpenes because it diverts that metabolic energy of the plant away from doing things like terpene biosynthesis to fight this disease.


So using biologicals and keeping your plants really healthy so they are you know have strong immune systems and can fight off the powdery mildew and fight off the botrytis that's important maximizing your chirping content - I know that Patrick's done a lot of work on soil development and how soil can influence chirpings and I think he's got a lot of great things to Terpenes for sale say about that As well guys doing today well I started looking at it because I'm I want to have how to even how do you make good turkeys in your plants so when I looked at well what arter means and if you look at their really they're made of carbon-hydrogen oxygen so.