Vaping has become the go-to option for many people who are trying to quit smoking. If you're looking for a creative way to sell your vaping products, then this article is for you! 

With so many diverse options out there, it can be hard to know where to start. This piece of writing will give you advice on modern packaging trends that will help drive sales and keep clientele coming back again and again.

The vaping industry has been rising at a rapid pace, and with it comes the need for new packaging trends. Custom vape gift boxes are one of the newest innovations in this niche, but they also come with some important considerations. In order to make sure your product stands out on shelves across America, you'll want to take into account these modern packaging trends before sending them off to print.

If you've been following the vaping industry, you might have noticed a few packaging trends lately. These new Vape boxes design elements are popping up on everything from vape Gift pens to e-liquid bottles packaging and more—and they're pretty awesome. 

It's about "Building Brand Loyalty"

Some vape pens come in super-sleek cases, while others have a more classic pen case. Some e-liquid bottles are packaged with fun designs and bold colors that make them feel like works of art. And vape companies are selling their products by brick or mortar to emphasize quality. These custom vape boxes design trends aren't just about aesthetics but also about building brand loyalty.

One Size Doesn't Fit All

As the vaping industry grows, vape companies are finding they need to adapt individual products showing off strategies to stay competitive. Some of these changes can be seen on the marketing of packaging side: in some cases, you might see the same e-liquid with two parts of different package designs, or a vape company might change the custom boxes design for an integral part of their e-liquid bottles every few months.

These customized and high-quality design trends aren't just about aesthetics—they are also about building brand loyalty! 

The Marketing plan through packaging:

  • Customization - the health risks associated with vaping are becoming better understood by consumers. This has led to increased demand for e-liquids without certain additives, such as diacetyl and other ingredients that contribute to the lung. This is true in the case of, particularly, health-conscious individuals.  


  • More open communication about product ingredients - The FDA requires all e-liquids wholesale custom boxes to contain a list of ingredients, but many vape users would like more information on these chemicals and their potential effects. Consumers want to know what they're vaping, which means more detailed ingredients with logo, labeling, and brand information on these packaging. 


  • Bespoke vape gift boxes - the market is becoming more crowded with new brands, but these companies are still able to set themselves apart through their product design and custom packaging boxes. This means that consumers care less about what's inside of a particular e-liquid bottle or bulk vaping device than they do about how it looks.  


  • Increased customization - vaping devices are no longer boxy and basic but sleek and stylish. Consumers prefer a more personalized experience with their vape gift boxes, which means they want something that looks upright on the shelf or in the bedroom rather than hidden away inside a cabinet. Packaging companies have responded to this by coming up with more customized vape gift boxes. 


  • Greater emphasis on the vaping experience - While individuals want a stylish and attractive vaping device, these gadgets are more than just about appearance. Vaping is becoming another form of self-expression for many users that involves style choices to go along with flavor preferences. Technology has played an important role in this trend, as custom-designed vaping boxes are becoming more customizable and user-friendly. 

The Link Between Advertising and Packaging 

Branding campaigns have a lot to do with the way individuals perceive vaping. This means that vape gift boxes need to be eye-catching and stand out from other products on store shelves. While some brands use plain white labels or glass bottles, others go all out in order to capture their audience's attention - especially if they want those customers to try new flavors. 

Packaging Services: Going Mainstream? 

With all the current trends going on within the vaping industry, it seems like vape gift boxes will only continue gaining popularity among long-term vapers and newcomers alike. It is now more important than for these devices to stand out on store shelves and through social media so that printing can appeal to different kinds of users with different preferences. 

E-liquid companies are aware of all this, which is why there has been an increase in the variety of vape gift boxes available on the market. This means that consumers will likely see even greater changes within vaping packaging as new trends develop among e-liquids brands down the line. 

These developments may include everything from unique flavor combinations and a 20% discount to entirely new design concepts based on specific themes or events (i.e., birthday parties).