Emsat Exam Emsat exam ( Emirates standardized test ) is a computer test for college or university acceptance I UAE , The purpose of EmSAT test measures the knowledge and skills of grade 12 students in different subjects like Emsat Arabic, English, Math, biology, chemistry, physics, and also specifies students’ performance level nationally and internationally. Emsat exam is also ​assess the students’ skills and knowledge in the area of interest for BSC or for higher studies Emsat Result surely every students would like to have high emsat score so in this article from elmadrasha .com we will provide recommendations that help all student to pass and achieve hight emsat score How can you achieve a good Emsat Result ? Every student should to have studying plan to achieve his goals and in the following points we will provide some advices to help every student to study well and get high emsat result Choice the perfect time to study Always the morning time is the perfect time to study This is because the mind This is because the mind is fully active to obtain information Often the experts advise students to start studying in the morning. Many people find themselves most alert and motivated at the beginning of the day. 1. The brain is refreshed from a good sleep and can absorb more information 2. Natural light good for your eyes and keeps you alert 3. Easier to create a study group with classmates 2) Furniture It must be comfortable , choose a desk that comes up to between your waist and rib cage when you sit on it, and a simple chair that fits the height of the desk. You should be able rest your feet on the floor, and not have to hunch your shoulders over your laptop when working 3) Lighting A Choies perfect light room that's make you do not feel not sleepy Natural light is fine, but make sure there is a larger lamp or overhead light to light the rest of the room. 4) Supplies Make sure you have all the study materials you need to hand, and ONLY the study materials you need to, also make sure your laptop or tablet charger is nearby (you don’t want to lose work because you were concentrating too hard to notice a dying battery). 5) Organize Be careful of a tidy and efficient desktop, whether it’s your real desk or on your computer. Make sure every item you need to study has its own place and everything is labeled clearly, especially computer files and printed materials. 6) time management often Time management is often one of the implicit skills online students say they improve in the most while doing an online degree 7) Put your phone away This has allowed you to really get down to some serious work. If you can’t bring yourself to turn it off, try putting it in airplane mode. Also, leave social to media one side during your designated study time 8) Sound the most important thing to do is make sure you are far from the noise 9) plan aSchedule study balanced activity Plan how much time you need to study for each subject and remember to take breaks between subject 10 ) Start solving Emsat Past/ Sample papers To achieve a good score in any competitive exams, it is important to solve past Emsat exams , which will give you a clear understanding of test pattern, concepts, and also help you to memorize the formulas. As the EmSAT test does not provide many sample/ past papers, you can find any papers related to concepts or topics mentioned in the test syllabus and start practicing. It is not necessary to solve only EmSAT Papers, you can solve any equivalent test papers to master your concepts as this is really going to help you to boost your scores. Try to solve as many sample papers you can for better understanding of the test. 11) Exam preparation Start your exam preparation at least long enough before the test date to have enough time to study and review the essential concepts. make separate notes of topics that seem complicated and then refer back to them when needed during revisions. Set up a solid study plan and organize your time for EmSAT exam preparation by structuring it into weekly or fortnightly sessions with at least one day off in between. Schedule the topics you are going to cover each week accordingly. signup on online course help you to study and review emsat subject with individual plan with professional teacher can evaluate your answer and give you suitable instructions and strategy to understand how to answer exam questions