The notable increase in e-commerce scams and various different shady activities are pouring adverse impacts on digital e-shopping platforms. Due to this, online sellers are required to have strong and efficient customer identity validation software in order to verify their consumers before enrolling them or to make financial transactions. Digital e-commerce websites and other manufacturers are embracing online identity authentication and online address verification solutions to provide users with a flawless onboarding process. While companies that are not utilizing software for verifying customers’ addresses then tend to open doors to unrestricted passage to criminals., the threat of getting prone to suspicious activities increases significantly.

Online address verification services are becoming popular in the e-commerce sector because it paves the top-notch approaches of ensuring utmost security for such websites and also allows to expose the fraudsters before they carry out illicit activities. Hence to verify the address is becoming necessary.

Address Verification Systems 

Address authenticating systems are intended to recognize and validate the data correlated with the clients’ addresses. For digital shopping businesses, it is quite obligatory that such delicate data must be accumulated and thoroughly checked before a client is onboarded and even before they have to carry out the transactions. Digital enterprises are utilizing the address validating systems as a threat management system to assess the risk of scams and for enrolling legitimate entities. Through this effective solution, the businesses platforms can combat fraudulent activities as well as the risk of chargebacks and misconducted deliveries can be reduced to none.

Upload Face Imprints and Identity Documents

The clients’ have to palace their face in front of the smartphone camera or webcam along with the government-generated identities documents. By doing so the verification system matches the face imprints with the facial image placed over the document for verification

Providing  Secondary Documents as Proof

Additionally, the customers also have to provide a secondary document that has details associated with the address. They may be utility bills or internet bills, anything approved by the government. 

Verifying Address and Dispatching Outcomes

Address verification systems are embedded with OCR technology that is used to extract the relevant information associated with the clients’ addresses from the identity documents. Moreover, the documents, as well as the information, undergo various authentication checks for better results. 

Verification of Address - Necessary Documents Checks

In order to verify customers’ addresses, identity verification systems utilizing identity documents given by the client to extract the important details linked with the address information. Such ID documents are verified by undergoing stringent authentication checks that are;

  • Customers’ full names must be mentioned in the identity documents 
  • Detecting the signs of tampering or photoshop
  • The address should be listed according to standards and precise format
  • The identity documents image must not be blurred each alphabet should be crystal clear. Additional they should not have cut or crumbled edges

Formerly the document verification checks are executed and the customers’ details are extracted from the documents using an OCR scanner, the clients’ address is verified by undergoing straighten identity validation standards. For instance, the customers’ address and area code are harmonized with the consumers’ data given beforehand. Therefore, in another case, the online address validation solution broadcasts a distinctive code, if the clients’ address information is ambiguous or the provided data is insufficient.

The Potency of Digital Address Verification Systems

Ultimate Scam Prevention

With the rise in suspicious activities in the e-shopping platform and various other virtual markets, it’s becoming necessary to consolidate address validating solutions into their pre-existing customer verification systems. Habitually, the crooks manage to present fraudulent addresses for ordering goods from e-commerce sites. Due to this reason, digital shopping platforms experiencing loads of monetary losses and chargeback fraud. Moreover, in the case when the imposter provides false addresses which are not listed on the maps, unfortunately, results in unsettled shipments. 

Enhance Client Experience

E-commerce platforms and multiple other online stores are striving to improve the consumers’ experience. Delighted clients are what digital companies are in need of. It is considered as platforms’ duty to empower tech-driven means to enhance the clients’ experience. hence, digital retail by incorporating with the address verification solutions, the e-shopping platforms can specifically verify the consumers’ address features and also can manage the clients’ renewed documents. 


E-commerce frauds like chargeback hoaxes, misconducted deliveries, and several additional suspect activities are rising exponentially. Manufacturers are trying to oppose fraudulent activities efficiently. Consequently, online address verification systems are significant as it empowers online retailers and businesses to validate the clients’ address information before enrolling their customer or to grant access for carrying out transactions.