The birth of tarot cards is a topic of debate. No one knows exactly when the first boards of tarot cards were invented. Many scholars believe that tarot cards first appeared in the 15th century, while others believe that the origins of tarot date back to the early 15th century. Everyone agrees that tarot cards appeared in Italy as Tarot cards and were used as playing cards that had nothing to do with divination or meditation. During the 18th century, tarot cards became very popular in France, and the pronunciation of the French taro became known to everyone.

One of its members, Arthur Edward White, an American who studied in English, created tarot cards that could be used to predict future events. The Rider-Waite ship was revolutionary because each card had a story image on it. The cards are beautifully illustrated by Golden Dawn artist Pamela Coleman Smith. His work has inspired many tarot artists who followed him.

Tarot Deck Essential Components

The full set of tarot cards consists of 78 cards. 56 of the cards are in the Small Arcana, the remaining 22 cards are in the Big Arcana. Arcana means secrets, mysteries. Little Arcana’s 56 cards deal with everyday and important topics. They can be classified as 14 cards in each of the four suits. Each costume is associated with one of nature’s four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Each suite has its own characteristics.

22 Major Arcana cards

Major Arkana’s 22 cards are of deep significance and speak to high-target issues. The Great Arcana cards often tell the story of the journey of the spirit and spiritual consciousness. Life experiences transcend the boundaries of space and time, a concept that is reflected in Major Arkana’s cards. Large Arcana cards are considered sweaters.

The Usefulness of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards should be seen as a means of examining human life and looking at the future with a positive outlook. Cards have no mystical powers and do not pose a risk of harm to you or others when used properly. Tarot cards should be used to have positive insights that will help in everyday situations and struggles.

Tarot can reveal a high level of self-awareness, a new perspective, and a better understanding of one’s place in the world. Many tarot readers reported that they had insights that helped them better understand past events, and eventually this insight helped them avoid repeating mistakes. Some tarot readers turn to cards to predict future events. In many cases, if your mind is open to new possibilities, this is enough to make a positive difference in your life path.

Care for Your Tarot Deck

On the internet, you can find various tips on how to take care of the cards. Basically, it is recommended to clean new cards before using them for the first time, this can be done easily: if you stand at the window for 24 hours, allowing both the Sun and the Moon to clear your cards. Then, you need to spice up your cards by sleeping under a pillow for a few nights. During use, your cards should be wrapped in a velvet cloth and stored in a tarot bag (purse).