An Airstream can be a great alternative to capital construction, especially when funds are limited. The problem of buying a home for a long time will remain one of the most pressing in our country, and prices for it will only grow. Our Airstream RV market is just beginning to develop, but these technologies are the future; we are sure of this. This is a very functional solution where every meter is proper. The Airstream has a rich history, it has come a long way of development, and today it is in no way inferior to the traditional one in terms of comfort. At the same time, the price of Airstreams is significantly lower than the cost of capital construction. Huge panoramic windows in the living room allow you to admire the views, and at the same time, let in a sufficient amount of light. The walls, ceiling, and floor are made of sandwich panels, which provide a comfortable indoor temperature at temperatures down to -50 ° C outside, and underfloor heating will allow you to change it at will on your own. For this, all Airstreams are equipped with electrical and gas equipment. A mobile collapsible house is a home that you can arrange to your liking. Because it is assembled from separate modules and can be finished with any materials. Its design and appearance can be changed: from standard ready-made solutions to an unlimited flight of creative thought. There are several options for solutions that can be applied in different areas: Prefabricated houses for summer residents with a small plot and a small family budget; Airstreams for campsites and holiday homes, especially those located in the nature protection zone, where capital construction is prohibited; Airstream-transformers for installation in the venues of the Olympic and other competitions, where temporary residential and administrative buildings are required. Our prefabricated house models We can offer individuals and summer residents a variety of solutions for a comfortable life in the city or the bosom of nature. We sell prefabricated house models that can be arranged according to specific needs and tastes. The house is assembled from modules, the number of which can be varied. Each module has specific dimensions that can be easily transported and connected to a ready-made prefab house. So, for example, there are such types of modules as living room, bedroom, nursery, sauna, study, etc. Specialists-designers work for you to develop a unique external and internal appearance of the house using a wide range of building and finishing materials. Airstream RV for summer cottages An excellent solution for those who value suburban life but do not have the ability or need to build capital housing - an Airstream for a summer residence. It can be placed on rented land, in any protected area, or you can carry it wherever you want. The finished Airstream can be operated all year round, or you can live in it seasonally and rent it out during the rest of the period - it all depends on your needs. In any case, you get a full-fledged comfortable home from which you can get pleasure and income. Airstreams for campsites and holiday homes Mobile housing is the only alternative to capital construction where the conservation area is located. With the help of our houses, the owners of recreation centers can increase the number of their guests without violating the prohibitions and with a small investment. Mobile campings and Airstreams for campsites and holiday homes are new, not yet developed, businesses in our country. You can make a good profit by arranging nomadic settlements near-unique natural phenomena, seasonal or temporary events, and activities. Airstream Mobile homes transformer If you look at the photos of Airstreams, you can see that these houses are transformers; that is, they can adapt to the needs of their residents. For example, you are the owner of a manufacturing enterprise in which a mobile residential campus is deployed for employees, business travelers, etc. New conditions are required for each newcomer: Someone travels with his family. A children's or second-floor module joins the house. Someone needs to study. Thanks to the presence of different modules, it is possible to take care of everyone's comfort. So, Airstream RVs are a solution for intelligent and economic people. Such housing will become even more popular; this is written in all analytical articles on real estate issues. So let's build now!