Today many organizations are migrating their applications from monolithic architecture to microservice architecture. The biggest reason behind the popularity of this architecture is its features that make the process of developing/upgrading an application very easy and provides lots of benefits to its users. Keeping this in mind, today we are going over the four best programming languages that you can use for developing microservices.


One of the biggest factors that make Java a perfect fit for developing microservices is that it is very easy to use. This makes the process of developing services a lot easier and quicker. Besides this, Java consists of lots of options and features that support developing and deploying robust web services. Here are some of the most popular java frameworks that you can use to implement Microservice architecture:


It is another great programming language using which you can easily develop robust microservices. The biggest reason behind its popularity is its concurrency and API support. Besides this, the programming language is very easy to use and comes with lots of great features and options that make the process of developing web services very easy. Overall, it is a phenomenal programming language and is a perfect fit for developing large and complex web applications. Here are some of the most popular Golang frameworks that you can use for developing microservices:

  • Go Micro
  • Go Kit
  • Gizmo, etc.


Python is another popular programming language that you can use for developing web services. The biggest reason behind its popularity is that it can be easily integrated with different types of technologies and frameworks. Here are some of the most popular Python frameworks that you can use for developing microservices:

  • Flask
  • Falcom
  • Bottle
  • Nameko
  • CherryPy, etc.

Node JS

Today many organizations are using Node.js for developing microservices. This is mainly because Node.js is built using the V8 engine. Thus all the services that are developed using it are super-fast, robust, and highly scalable. So, if you want to develop robust and highly scalable microservices then you must Node.js. To learn how to develop services using Node.js feel free to join the Microservices Training in Delhi.


There you have it, four famous programming languages that you can use to develop microservices. All these programming languages are highly powerful and reliable and can make the process of developing services for your app kids play. However, all the programming language has its pros and cons so make sure you go through them before using any of these programming languages for developing microservices.c