The ankle is one of the most common locations in the body where fractures are seen. Being in the lower extremity, the ankle bears most of the weight of our body, and hence, the location is more prone to developing the condition. In this post, we will discuss broken ankles in detail.

There could be multiple reasons for a broken ankle and that also depends upon the nature of work the person does. For example, ankle fractures could be commonly seen in athletes like sportspersons, gymnasts, and even dancers. Maximum cases reported of this condition are non-serious, and hence, they can be fixed with the application of a cast or a splint along with prescribed pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medicines. But in some serious cases, the use of Orthopaedic Implants becomes necessary, and for that, surgery is performed.

What is an Ankle Fracture?

The bones that make the ankle joint include the tibia, fibula, and talus bones. When the fracture occurs, any of these bones could get affected. An ankle fracture could occur either in one or multiple bones depending upon the cause and extent of the injury that occurred. In the case of ankle fractures, ligaments may also get damaged as they connect bones to each other while providing stability. When torn ligaments are associated with the fracture, the ankle becomes unstable.

What Are the Causes of Ankle Fracture?

Rotational injuries are the most common reason for broken ankles. People may experience ankle fractures due to twisting of the ankle, awkward movement while running or playing any kind of sports, and rolling or turning of the ankle. Besides this, automobile accidents are also the major cause of broken ankles.

Those who are suffering from conditions like osteoporosis may also get ankle fractures, and that too while performing routine activities. Putting repetitive stress on the ankle bones or overusing them could also be the reason for fracture, and that condition is known as a stress fracture.

What Are the Different Types of Ankle Fractures?

Some of the common types of ankle fractures are listed below:

  • Lateral malleolus fracture
  • Bimalleolar ankle fracture
  • Trimalleolar ankle fracture
  • Pilon fracture


What Are the Symptoms Associated with Ankle Fractures?

Common symptoms noticed in the case of ankle fractures may include:

  • Pain and swelling
  • Hemarthrosis (the condition with the blood in the joint)
  • Bruising
  • Ankle deformities (in severe cases)
  • Inability to move the foot or toes


How is Ankle Fracture Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of ankle fracture is made with an x-ray examination. This easily helps identify whether it is a fracture or a soft-tissue injury like a sprain.  Sprains and broken ankles both have similar symptoms, and hence, an x-ray could confirm the fracture. In case the x-ray fails to provide any conclusive results, other imaging tests like CT scans or MRI may also be ordered.

How Ankle Fractures Are Treated?

The extent of the ankle fracture decides whether it can be treated surgically or non-surgically plus, the type of cast or a splint required will also depend upon the seriousness of the condition. Most cases of ankle fractures are treated using the medication, application of a cast or a splint, and physiotherapy. Along with all this, proper rest is also recommended for improved recovery and avoiding any serious complications afterward. In some cases, the surgeon also suggests wearing medical shoes or the use of shoe inserts to provide stability to the joint.

Severe fracture cases need surgery for the treatment, and even the conditions that do not show any improvement with the above-mentioned methods also require surgery.

Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is an experienced trauma implants manufacturer in India with a strong presence in numerous countries. The company manufactures all kinds of orthopedic devices and exports them to clients based in different countries. With its implants, instruments, and external fixators approved by the Malaysian Medical Device Authority, Siora is known as one of the trustworthy Orthopedic Implants Suppliers in Malaysia.